So I FINALLY did it! On Saturday I ran my very first 5K! It was such an amazing and proud moment for me! Sadly one of my proudest moments turned into my most embarrassing one!
6:30 am- Thirty minutes before the race. I bought one of those energy gel shots and decided to try it...NOT GOOD! MISTAKE # 1! As soon as I put it in my mouth I knew I had made a huge mistake! It was so nasty, and it was stuck in my throat, just sitting there, waiting to be thrown back up! So I had to chase it down with about a half a bottle of water...MISTAKE #2! I usually can't drink water before I run cause it just goes right through me and I have to pee within minutes. And especially since giving birth to Kohen, it has become a lot worse!
6:50 am- Ten minutes before the race. We stretch out and I find the nearest bathroom to pee.
7:00 am- Race time!! Aron and Holly decided to take off, so Heidi and I ran together to keep up a good pace.
MILE 1- Feelin' good! Wasn't tired yet, and Heidi and I are keeping a good pace.
MILE 1.5- Oh crap...I have to pee! I knew I shouldn't have drank that bottle of water! I just kept on running and tried to just focus the music I was listening to, instead of my need to pee. Oh did I mention that some guy was out in his front yard spraying everyone with the hose...uh NOT HELPING!!
MILE 2- Still not really tired. My urge to pee was getting stronger. By this time I was squeezing practically every muscle in my entire body just to try to keep myself from peeing! I thought about going behind a huge bush in someone's yard, but I didn't dare...there were cops everywhere! I can just imagine.... How did your race go? Great except for the fact that I got a ticket for public urination!
MILE 2.5- I'm going to die!!! I've never had this kind of feeling before! I was squeezing my muscles even harder now, which made me have to slow down a little. Have you ever tried to do kagels (sp?) while running?! It's not too fun! Eventually the muscle squeezing trick had stopped working, and with every few steps I took, a little bit of pee would come out!! We were coming up on mile 3 and I felt like I just couldn't take it anymore! I asked Heidi to get behind me to see if it was noticable. The verdict...." Sorry Rachelle, but you can TOTALLY see it!!". Oh and did I mention that I was wearing GRAY spandex pants??!! What the hell was I thinking???!!! At that moment I was thinking to myself that I was so jealous of my friend Jessica for being able to have C-sections! She probably doesn't have this kind of problem!
MILE 3- I could run no longer. It was only .1 miles to the finish line, and I had to stop running. I knew that if I ran one more step my bladder was just going to EXPLODE all over and then I was going to be even more mortified than I already was! Heidi, Holly and Aron finished in great time, running the whole way. I still finished about one minute after Heidi, but there I was...walking instead of running. My first 5K...and I couldn't even run the entire way! All because I had peed my pants!!!
Dustin was videoing me right as I had to stop embarrassing! To tell you the truth, I almost started to cry as I walked up to him and Kohen. I was embarrassed and not very proud of myself for not running the entire race! But my cute hubby kept on telling me that he was so proud of me, and it made me feel a lot better. Luckily now when I tell people about it, I can laugh, but at the time I was pretty upset about it.
So there you have new embarrassing moment!!
pretty funny in retrospect! well done!
Way to go girl!!! You did great!! Next year it's on. We're doing the 1/2 together.
That is embarrasing, but funny. Way to stick it out.
Good job and nothing is better than laughing at yourself..
Way to go Rachelle! At least you can laugh about it! I hear ya, I have a hard time running period after 2 kids, bladder control is just not the same anymore:)
I think you're amazing for even attempting to run. I have absolutely no desire to run a race. So you're c-o-o-l in my book. :) I was laughing pretty hard though about the pee. At least you have a great story to tell. :) XOXO
Rachelle, I am so glad that you are telling this story. It is one of the greatest stories ever! I am sad that you had to have this happen, but don't worry our next race you will make it all the way to the end. There is always next time, and at least you know you could do it!
I am thoroughly impressed that you held your pee for that long... oh and that you ran. I can't help but notice in your pictures that you're no longer wearing your gray spandex... was this before or after you wet yourself?
I am glad you can laugh about it now, cause it's pretty funny. I guess I can put that on my list of reasons why having to have a c-section isn't the end of the world:)
Good job Rachelle! Keep it up.
I am laughing so HARD! And no, I've never tried doing kegal exercises while running... what a nightmare! I loved the play by play! You are a star in my book for even attempting a 5K! Go Rachelle!
I am about to pee my pants laughing!! But I was actually talking to one of my friends who is a crazy about triathalons. I asked her once what she does if she has to go to the bathroom and she says that everyone seriously just pees themselves and I did not believe her but then other people have told me the same thing. So don't feel to bad because now you can just consider yourself an amazing athlete!! Good work!
I also just about peed my pants. I am so glad you shared, because seriously I can't stop laughing right now. I am so proud of you for your race. We should go running while I am in town.
That is hilareous! You should be proud that you kept going, I probably would have bailed out at mile 1 in that situation. I am the same way since giving birth, my blatter control is shot! I always have to know i'm close to a bathroom or things could get bad! :) Good job running, I really need to start that up.
Rachelle, I heart you more than you know...HILARIOUS!!!!!! I am so glad you blogged about it, and it was SO funny, I am laughing here in my room out loud alone...I LOVE IT. And I love you!! I am so very proud of you, we'll have to do it again and not make the same mistakes this nasty A goo shots and no WATER before starting...and NO grey spandex pants just in case:)
We are very proud of you for doing the race! Watch out Boston marathon next year????
You go girl.
Hey I got your comment on my blog but I don't have your email or phone number so if you get this soon email me at with all your info. Tom is out of town otherwise I would make Tom call your hubby he he!! Anyways, this will be fun to do a boy because I am surrounded by lovely girls!!
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